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Love letter


Therapy Lab

Integrative Health & Wellness

for Children and Adults


Did you know?
reveals handwriting over keyboard writing
will positively affect your Child’s capacities for:

Chalkboard with Different Languages


Children who learn to handwrite learn to read more quickly, because of increased gains in better at letter recognition and letter sound recognition..


Children who handwrite activate & connect many different brain areas responsible for thought, language, & brain health, resulting in faster learning, better ability to retain information & higher GPA


Children who practice handwriting develop increased capacity to focus on precise, sensory filled, sequential, intricate fine motor actions. Cursive writing especially supports brain development for higher level thinking, language, and reasoning.


Handwriting enhances the same brain areas as those activated by meditation resulting in more positive emotions and a relaxed state. Handwriting practice allows the process to become more automatic enabling your child to devote higher amount of neurological resources to critical thinking and thought organization. Your child will become more intentional and thoughtful in everyday activities.


Children who handwrite generate more ideas, have increased facility with language production that is not easily accessible in any other manner


Handwriting is a complex task involving postural, sensory, motor, perceptual and neuromuscular systems. Handwriting instruction & practice helps develop proximal stability & neuromotor development necessary for distal mobility & fine motor skills required for clear handwriting.

Girl with Braids
Woman Tutoring Child
Handwriting Therapy Lab


Woman Tutoring Child
Handwriting Therapy Lab believes every child is unique
and therefore individualizes handwriting skills training to your child’s strengths and interests.

Handwriting Therapy Lab uses evidenced-based
and effective task oriented & multi-sensory approaches to develop handwriting competencies.

Handwriting Therapy Lab’s approach utilizes the best practice elements
of Motor Learning Theory and will provide your child with direct instruction,
specific skill training and immediate verbal feedback

Handwriting Therapy Lab uses a dynamic program
which includes the student’s active participation in the learning process
including the skills to self-monitor & score themselves.
This active engagement by the student has been found by the research
to support the learning process by consolidating knowledge

Handwriting Therapy Lab uses a variety of fun strategies
and dynamic tools to promote clear, effortless, efficient handwriting.

Handwriting Therapy Lab offers private sessions
~ at home or virtual ~
where your child will learn the skills and strategies
toward clear, effortless, & efficient handwriting.

Handwriting Therapy Lab Art and Pre-writing Skills
Private individual sessions of 45 minutes each in:
Handwriting Development,
and Remediation Private sessions


*Write (printed) the letters of his or her  name legibly in the correct case and size


*Be able to write (printed)  all capital and lower case letters legibly and in correct size


*Be able to write all numbers  0 - 10 clearly and in the correct size


*Be able to recognize and copy letter, words or phrases depending of age


*Write his or her signature, a thank you card, a To Do list, a simple journal entry, short book report  and other everyday writing activities appropriate to his or her age/grade


*Be able to self-regulate through yoga, relaxation/mindfulness techniques and other simple age appropriate  methods that he or she finds helpful

THE PURPOSE  of Handwriting Therapy Lab Program
is for your child to be able to:

In Classroom

Initial Evaluation
A printing and writing competency intake designed to get a full picture of child’s printing & writing skills. Strongly suggested to provide therapist therapist with an actual everyday writing sample.
Handwriting Therapy Lab uses a strengths-based approach throughout the entire process. This means, your child will actively participate & share with the therapist his or her needs and perceived handwriting competence. We want to know what your child’s interests are and encourage participation and collaboration throughout the entire evaluative and treatment planning process.
Initial Baseline Assesses:
Letter  & Number Formation

Additional Screening  (when deemed appropriate)
Gross Motor & Visual Attention
Vision Screening
Fine Motor Strength & Dexterity Screening

Handwriting Development, Assessment, Instruction
& Remediation Private sessions


While each child learns at his or her own pace, the following is the general  10 Week itinerary:
Uppercase Letters
Lower Case Letters
Upper  & Lower Case Letters
Upper  & Lower Case Letters & Numbers
Two word phrases
Three to four word phrases
Development and instruction each session
Remediation & feedback where needed
Collaborative progress monitoring throughout


Colored pencil tips

Private Sessions


A strengths-based assessment where therapist learns about your child’s interests.
Dynamic observation throughout for a baseline assessment:
Overall functional posture
Fine motor dexterity and grip
Overall positioning (proximally & distally)
Overall baseline of spatial temporal vocabulary (which is used for handwriting instruction) & awareness

Additional assessments: BEERY VMI &/or  Test of Visual Motor Skills (TVMS-3) if appropriate

Fine motor & Dexterity
Hand dominance, preference & dominance
Clay & putty exercises and shape formation
Peg board games
Crayon & pencil control & grip developed  & supported
Bi-manual actions

Gross Motor

Ability to play games demonstrating & developing body spatial temporal vocabulary ie. Simons says, Go Freeze, developmental yoga
Learning experientially directional terms
Reacting & power actions, standing, sitting, jumping, unskilled reaching actions (ie. balloon volleyball)
Crossing body midline and Bilateral coordination

Child friendly art projects that develop, instruct, & allow for practice in making the nine lines & shapes identified by the research as an indication for writing readiness:

Vertical & Horizontal lines
Curves & Circles
Crosses, Bridges & Ladders
Squares & Rectangles
Right & Left Diagonals
Triangles & X’s

Art Projects include:
Story-based following paths and mazes, identifying through a picture or image start and end of paths & mazes

Learning & Practicing Drawing

Coloring skills
Complete drawings if given beginning & end points of images or shapes
Draw cross hatches, dots, shapes
Develop a sense of sequence through shapes & colors
Drawing & art practice to develop visual attention & tracking, visual spatial-relations, & figure-ground discrimination

Writing on Beach

Adult Sessions

Writing on Beach

Handwriting, Personality & Destiny

In these sessions you will:

Be introduced to what does history, psychology, & neurobiology tell us about handwriting
Explore the relationship between handwriting and personality
Discover what your handwriting may reveal about your personality
Learn how handwriting can change your destiny
Practice  and experience handwriting different letters and words of different well-known public figures
Develop you own handwriting font
Participate in The well written life: Creative journaling to effect positive change in your life

Writing for Wellbeing

In these sessions you will:

Review and learn about the research and history that has proven writing/journaling for wellbeing to be one of the most effective self-help tools for individuals resulting in Individuals being healthier both mentally and physically.

Experience different writing/journaling practices which have proven to be effective to increase everyday reflection, learning, problem solving, sleep quality, decreased pain, goal attainment and self awareness.

Learn and practice mindfulness techniques and gentle chair yoga to better understand and experience the relationship between mindfulness, yoga and writing

Practice and experience several types of writing that contribute to wellbeing and resilience while exploring many methods to support you in this endeavor

Develop an individualized toolbox for yourself to create your own powerful daily writing /journaling practice for total wellbeing

Inner Vision Creative Journaling

In these sessions you will:

Learn the history of creative inner vision journaling from human’s first marks on cave walls, to present day visionaries
Discover the many benefits of inner vision journaling, from being more present in your life, heightened intuition, to feeling more connected to others and source
Explore the many different inner vision journaling possibilities: dream journaling, automatic writing, meditation journal, habit formation, Intentional living etc.
Be guided step-by-step in art techniques to provide you a foundation in pencil drawing & sketching, pastel/charcoal drawing and water color/collage.
If you can imagine it - you can create it: Develop a journal to make real your inner vision of your life purpose


About Dr. Sabrina Castaneda

Dr. Sabrina Castaneda

Doctor in Occupational Therapy

Dr. Sabrina  Castaneda OTD, OTR/L is a board certified Doctor in Occupational Therapy. She is a handwriting and integrative health and wellness expert. Sabrina has postgraduate degrees and certifications in Human Development & Family Studies, art therapy, poetry and writing for healing, yoga, Pilates, Sound therapy, and Reiki. She works in private practice working with both adults and children. Sabrina's latest projects include books to support handwriting and creative arts journaling for all ages.



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Our Address:
4229 Cole Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75205

© 2023 Handwriting Therapy Lab

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